A new table

A few weeks ago, I bought a little table for our family room. 

I orginally planned to paint the top with chalkboard paint DIY style of this one by Offi.  Then I came to my senses and realized I would end up in the mental institution after seeing all the dust on the floor.   

So stain it was.

And because someone will ask, paint is Rustoleum Grass Green.


  1. Hi, I don't think I've written to you before, but I'm a frequent reader of your family blogs :-) both me and my husband love love love all the stuff you come up with!. Anyway, I just read your comment re dust/chalk.. EEK. I was about to paint a wall in my daughter's playroom with chalboard paint. maybe this is a very bad idea???? eek! Now I don't know what to do. Maybe that won't be so bad/dust would be localized... maybe i can tape some felt on the floor under it... it doesn't seem bad in the school she goes to, but maybe it's their carpeting. Thoughts on walls and chalkboard/containing the mess???

  2. love this! so cute...and I agree about the chalk board paint. :) and, I don't think I'm paying for you an ad space anymore..... ;) ha ha! but, whatever!

  3. I am SO with you on the chalk dust!

    I always love your pictures - what gear do you use?

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