
A tiny peek into the last two-ish weeks in our lives through filtered iphone pics.
If you'd like to follow along on instagram, I'm @aprettycoollife :)

My little shopping buddies.
At our favorite store.

New shoes.
They all fit their little personalities, too.

My old 50mm lens found itself a new home.
I just had to send it off in washi style. ;)

Bunny sprinkles!

Working on some bunny crafts.

Plates with compartments are big around here.
Taco dinner, deconstructed.

I waited too long to order jars for my little bunny craft.
So we are now the proud owners of 12 lbs of peanut butter.
Fave pb recipes very welcome in the comments. :)

My two patient children doodling away.

My washi collection...

That I used for this.

Target popcorn.
It's like a food group around here.

Rainbow fun at the party store.
Hunting for anything green.

Ikea straw colors making me happy.

I'll never be too old for a Hello Kitty bandaid.
...but I may still not be old enough to handle a knife properly.

'tis the season for Shamrock Shakes!

Have a good week, friends!

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  1. Love all the color in this post! :-)

  2. ha, nice touch with the washi package. And love those itty bitty pastel polka dot TOMS!

  3. Such cute photos! Love your washi collection!

  4. Where do you find the cool tape? I am always looking for it but can never find it.


    these are super tasty, and super easy to make! your sons could easily assist you with the recipe. i like to make them using a tablespoon - they can be a bit rich!


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